Baking for Therapy!
Last year, I submitted a story to a cake magazine about "Baking for Therapy". It never made it into the magazine and I kept this story saved to my computer. But instead of it remaining buried on my hard drive, I thought I would share it here. To give you a better understanding of who I am. So here it goes....
I get tonnes of messages daily through social media..
"Mary, how do you manage everything?"... "How do you run a business and take care of your family?" They want to hear my story about how Emma's Sweets got started......
Let me tell you first hand -- it's been really hard- and is still hard!
I have two small children who constantly demand my attention (9 year old twins). A pile of laundry that never goes away! Housework that is neglected for weeks on end!! And the list goes on...
What started off as a hobby turned into something larger than I could have ever dreamed
With all of that being said, everything that I now have has come at a hefty cost. My physical and mental health has deteriorated, and that is a heavy price to pay.
I have suffered from debilitating anxiety all of my life. It only got worse as I got older. Nobody warned me that being in my mid 40's would be so challenging. Some days I struggle to take a deep breath. Catastrophic thoughts ruminate in my head on the best of days. It is a vicious cycle - and just when I think I have overcome it -- the little voice of anxiety taps on my shoulder and says "Uh no - I am not going anywhere!"
I worked in the financial industry for 15 years and that just added to my stress. That's when I began to bake on a more regular basis.
Eventually I discovered the world of "cookie decorating". And this is where my life began to change. Did it cure my anxiety disorder? Of course not. But did it provide me with relief? ABSOLUTELY!!
After leaving my banking job in 2017, I began to pursue baking and decorating on a full time basis. Decorating cookies
It is so important to take time for yourself on a daily basis, as in not doing so can prove to be damaging to your overall health. I am the worst at this and need to remind myself of how important this is. I encourage everyone to find a passion and pursue it! For me, baking and decorating cookies has proven to be an effective activity in a meditative sense. And if I can make others happy in the process, it makes it all more worthwhile!
I want to create a community, both here and on my social media..
Leave your comments below if you can relate.. I am going to send a small gift to 1 random individual who comments - giveaway will close on August 9th :) thanks for reading!
Mary – A friend posted a saying from Atticus “The trick to life is to have the courage to walk down the path that’s lit up in your heart” …. you definitely have found that light within your heart and have shone it on so many of your followers by your kindness, openness and willingness to teach us. You truly are a blessing!
I still have to find my passion but I have tried meditation and it helps a little. Hearing your story gives me hope that one day my anxiety will get better and that I’m not the only one.
Mary, Thank you so much for your story.
I just really found it so relatable to hear you say that your cookie decorating was therapeutic. I re-discovered cookie decorating again a year ago. I have been enjoying the creative process decorating cookies and have been challenging myself with techniques. I have been gifting the cookies to family members and friends. I tell people that I don’t want to do it as a business because I work full-time and I’m also a caregiver for my dad. I have told my family that it is my therapy.
As a caregiver it’s very difficult to set aside time for yourself. Who would’ve thought that rediscovering cookie decorating at this busy time would actually be therapeutic and help me focus my energies on something creative and fun. And the wonderful responses to these cookies that I gift is the best!
Thanks again for sharing your story.